Pupil Premium 2015 – 2016

The school was allocated £ 137,280 (provisionally) for the financial year 2015 – 16.

This money has been spent as follows:

1. 5 extra teachers – 2 in KS1 and 3 in KS2
2. Dedicated teaching assistant in KS1
3. Place to Be service
4. 1:1 Tuition


At the end of KS2 in 2015, 89% of our Free School Meals pupils without other needs attained level 4+ for Reading, Writing and Maths combined. 22% of our FSM without other needs attained level 5 for Reading, Writing and Maths combined.

In reading our FSM children made almost as much progress as all children nationally. In writing and maths, our FSM made more progress than all children nationally.