Archived Y1 – Mrs Robinson 18/19

Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1, we have 27 children including 15 girls and 12 boys. Mrs Robinson is our Class Teacher and Mrs Neil is our Teaching Assistant. Mrs Reilly works in our class on a Thursday afternoon.


We have PE on a Monday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit on those days. We also do the daily mile before lunch to encourage the children to keep fit and healthy. Could you please make sure the children have water bottles in school every day.


Home Reading

Please listen to your child read every night. We ensure each child changes their books at least twice a week. If your child has finished their book and is confident reading it, it would be helpful if you could spend some time asking your child questions about it. Please sign their reading record each night so we know your child has read.


What we have been learning about;

The Gingerbread Man

In our first week at school, we learnt the traditional tale of ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ We did a variety of activities including making our own gingerbread men.


Art – Portraits

In art, we have been learning about portraits and some artists that created portraits including Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhal. We created our own self portraits, experimented with collage portraits in the style of Picasso and used bright colours on our portraits in the style of Andy Warhal.

Click on the link to view our Portraits knowledge organiser


Our Locality

In Geography, we have been learning about our local area including which features are physical and which are human. We have looked at a map of Seaham and located streets and our school. We linked our computing to Geography and used Ipads and Bee Bots. We have used Google Earth to find our school, Byron Place, our own house and other places of interest. We used the Bee Bot to move around the mat with pictures of places in Seaham. The children really enjoyed programming the Bee Bot to move the correct number of squares and turns to get to the location.

Click on the link to view our Our Locality knowledge organiser

Bonfire Night

In history, we have been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We have learnt all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We have also learnt how to stay safe on bonfire night.

Clink on the links below to view our knowledge organiser.

Gunpowder plot Knowledge Organiser Gunpowder-Plot-Timeline for Knowledge organiser



In DT, we have enjoyed exploring playgrounds. We went on a visit to Dalton Le Dale Park which was really good fun. Afterwards we decided what piece of playground equipment we would like to make. Take a look at some of our work.

Playgrounds knowledge organiser


In history, we explored toys and games in the past. We enjoyed looking at older toys and talking about the similarities and differences to toys today.

Toy and Games in the past knowledge organiser


Art – Exploring colour

During Spring Term, Year 1 have learnt about primary and secondary colours. We looked at different artists including Piet Mondrian and Claude Monet. We mixed colours and created seascapes in the style of Monet.


In history, we have learnt about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We found out about how they helped injured soldiers in the Crimean war