Archived Y2 – Miss Armstrong 18/19

Welcome to Year 2!

There are 27 wonderful pupils in our class. The staff working in Year 2 are Miss Armstrong, Miss Devlin, Mrs Hornsby, Mrs Curtis. Mrs Reilly teaches the children on a Tuesday afternoon.

General Information

Our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school on these days. They will bring it home at the end of each half term.

Weekly spellings are sent home on a Monday to learn for their spelling test on a Friday. Please help your child to practise these at home.

In school children will read with an adult at least 3 times a week. Please make sure that children have their reading books in school every day. Children should read their books every night at home and we encourage you to sign their reading record every time they do.

Children can access Times Table Rockstars at home using their login from school.

Our class MP is Chloe Lumsden. She will represent our class in meetings with our school parliament to discuss any issues raised in class parliament meetings.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Autumn Term

Please take a look at Key-Stage-1-Long-Term-Curriculum to find out what our topics are this year.

In maths we will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction, money and multiplication and division. You can help your child by allowing them to look at and discuss different amounts of money and add up small amounts of change. At home you can encourage your child to practise counting to 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. You could tell your child the time at different points in the day so they become more familiar with the clock.

The main literacy focus for this term is reading and comprehension. You can help your child by hearing them read every night and encouraging them to discuss what they have read.

We will be learning cursive handwriting this term.


In DT we have been learning about healthy food.



In science we have been learning about how to keep ourselves healthy.


In history we have been learning about the Great Fire of London.