Welcome to Year 3/4
Home Reading
The children should choose their home reading book once a week. Please can you listen to your child read for at least 10 minutes every day and sign their yellow reading record.
Times Tables
It is also very important that your child knows their times tables (multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12) as they help with almost every area of maths. They can practice at home on Times Table Rockstars or you can challenge them by asking them out of order.
In June 2020, if your child is in year 4, they will be required to complete a multiplication tables check.
The children will be given spellings on a Monday and we will complete a spelling test on a Friday. Even though we complete lots of spelling activities during the week, the children are still encouraged to practise their spellings when they are at home.
Throughout the year, we will enjoy learning about a range of subjects as part of a varied curriculum, including topics such as Stone Age to Iron Age, UK Discovery, Sound and Textiles. In English, we will be reading and working from a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. In Maths, we will cover different topics, including Number, Fractions, Measurement, Shape and Statistics.