Welcome to Year 5
There are 27 children working in the class with Mr. Brown and Miss Dinsdale. Mrs Burgess works with our class on Wednesday afternoon.
We have PE on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning so can you please ensure all children have full PE kit on those days.
Home Reading
The children choose their home reading book once a week and they can change their book whenever they have finished it. I try to encourage the children to aim to change their book every week. If your child is a confident reader, you don’t need to listen to your children read aloud but it would be very beneficial if you talked to them about what they have read then you can sign their reading record.
Times Tables
It is also very important that your child knows their times tables (multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12) as they help with almost every area of maths. They can practice at home on Times Table Rockstars or you can challenge them by asking them out of order.
The children will be given spellings once a week and we will complete a spelling test on a Friday. Even though we complete lots of spelling activities during the week, the children are still encouraged to practise their spellings when they are at home.
Year 5 – What We Are Learning About
For the first couple of weeks back at school, we are studying the picture book FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith. Even though there isn’t much text in the book, there are lots of deep, hidden messages that will encourage the children to think carefully about what they are hearing and seeing. The book gives fantastic learning opportunities for a range of subjects. We will be writing descriptions about some of the images in the book, we will be writing poems about flight, we will be creating artwork based on the illustrations and we will be discussing our dreams and aspirations.
Throughout the year, the children will be enjoying a varied curriculum. They will be working from a variety of novels and texts in English. In Numeracy, the children will complete lots of work in topics such as place value, fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. They will cover all areas using images and concrete materials to help understand difficult concepts. Their afternoon topics will range from the Solar System to the Anglo Saxons.
We have a fantastic year ahead of us!