Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6! This final year of primary school is an important year for your child and we want them to be confident and happy as they make the transition to secondary school. We will be supporting them throughout the year to help them learn and achieve to the best of their ability. Please find below a range of important information and dates relating to your child’s time in Year 6.
Your child has PE on a Monday and Wednesday. On these days, they will need to bring full PE kit including trainers to school.
Home Reading
Your child has chosen a home reading book. At the beginning of the year, we ask the children to take a solemn oath to read at least 10 minutes every night. As your child is in year 6, you don’t need to sit with them whilst they read but please make sure they do each night and that you sign their reading diary every night. You can support your child with reading by talking to them about what they have read and asking them questions about it such as, ‘Who’s your favourite character and why’, ‘What’s your favourite part of the story?’, What’s the most interesting fact you have learnt?’
It is also very important that your child knows their times tables (multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12) as they help with almost every area of maths. They can practice at home on Times Table Rockstars or you can challenge them by asking them out of order.
SATs week is 11th May until 14th May 2020. We will be having a meeting about the SATs at the beginning of next year.
Year 6 – What We Are Learning About
For the first couple of weeks, we will be reading and exploring The Arrival by Shaun Tan. This beautiful picture book has no words but we will use the images to tell the story of a man who has to leave his home and family and make a new life far away, in preparation for their arrival. We will begin by writing powerful poems based on the theme of leaving home. We will be drawing portraits in the style of Shaun Tan and creating back stories for these characters.
Throughout the year, the children will be enjoying a varied curriculum. They will be working from a variety of novels and texts in English. In Numeracy, the children will complete lots of work in topics such as place value, fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. They will cover all areas using images and concrete materials to help understand difficult concepts. This will prepare them for the SATs next year. Their afternoon topics will range from the Mayans to Fantastic Forests.
If you have any further questions or concerns, then please feel free to make an appointment with the office for a chat on the phone or to come in.
Mrs Urwin and Miss Middlemass
Dancing with Props & more Observational Art
We have been creating a dance in PE using chairs as props. We have been using wax resist and watercolours as part of our observation art.
Observational Art
Year 6 have really enjoyed looking closely at trees and leaves to complete some beautiful detailed sketches.