Archived Year 6 (Mrs Allport) 18/19

All ready to be evacuated!

Welcome to Year 6!

The final year of primary school is very special. The children take on more responsibilities in school and will be fantastic role models for our younger pupils. The children will be working hard all year to ensure that they achieve their full potential in the Key Stage 2 SATs but, it’s not all about tests in Year 6! As well as revising previous topics, we will be having lots of fun exploring new topics such as World War 2,  Brazil and Italy.

We will be here to help and support the children every step of the way and, if you have any questions at all, please just ask!

There are 30 children in Year 6  overall. In my class, there are 15 children and there are also 15 children with Miss Ayre. Mrs Fletcher works between the two classes. On Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons, the whole year 6 class come together and are taught by Mrs Burgess. We have P.E on Monday and Wednesday so please ensure that your child has their full PE kit on those days.

Home Reading

The children choose their home reading book and need to read for at least 15 minutes every evening. Children do not have a specific day in which they are to bring their reading book back so, as soon as they have finished it, they can bring it in to change any day. If your child is a confident reader, you do not need to hear them read aloud but it would be very beneficial if you talked to them about what they have read. E.g. What is the plot? Who is your favourite character? Why? What have you learnt that they didn’t know before?

Reading Plus

We have just launched an exciting new program called ‘Reading Plus’ to encourage our year six children to practice scaffolded silent reading. Children have their own usernames and passwords. To access this at home visit 



Spelling homework will be given out every Monday for a spelling quiz the following Thursday.  The amount of homework that your child receives will increase in Spring term but we would like them to concentrate on times tables, reading and spelling this term.

Last year we launched a new program called ‘Times Tables Rock stars’ to encourage children to practice their times tables. Children have their own usernames and passwords. To access this at home

Our classroom

We have already been working hard and have produced some beautiful art work and writing for our displays. We are very lucky to have Mrs Fletcher to make sure our displays always look fantastic!

What we are learning about

The final year in primary school is a very busy one! We will be working very hard to make sure we achieve our full potential.

Please take a look at our Curriculum Map to view what we have been learning about across the curriculum this term.

During the Autumn Term, our main topic is World War Two. Each child was given a Page 1 Fact Sheet and Page 2 Fact Sheet  to learn about the subject.

Autumn 1

During this first half term in Autumn, we  are reading ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. We are using this fabulous story, set during WW2, as a stimulus for a range of reading, writing and topic activities.  We created some beautiful works of art and also some very effective writing such as, diary entries and letters.

In maths we are working very hard and revising all areas in preparation for our SATs.

In history we are learning about World War Two which is a great link with our Literacy work.

Beamish Visit

As part of our topic of World War II we had a fantastic visit to Beamish  Museum where we got dressed up and were evacuated to Home Farm. We were collected by a 1930’s bus and transported back in time to find out what life was life for children who were evacuated. We learnt about all the jobs that needed to be done, saw lots of different farm animals and had to ‘blackout’ the cottage. We finished off by a drill for the Home Guard.