Welcome to Year 1!
We have a fantastic class in Year 1!
There are 27 hard working and helpful pupils.
We also have 2 new additions to year 1 this year. Meet Sid and Shelly! The children are loving looking after them. Their favourite food is cucumber.
The Year 1 staff are Miss Lorraine, Miss Huntingdon and Mrs Curtis. Mrs Knight also works in Year 1 on Thursday afternoons.
Please make sure your child has their reading book in school every day. Your child is also able to bring in a water bottle which remains in class so that they can access water throughout the day.
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school. They will bring it home at the end of each half term.
Autumn Term
Here is the link to our curriculum map where you will find the topics for this term.
In Maths we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We are also learning to recognise numbers to 100, counting forwards and backwards from any given number. We will use concrete resources and pictorial methods to help us understand tricky mathematical concepts across the year. We have been learning number bonds to 10. You can help your child at home to be confident with money by identifying coins and adding up small amounts of change. Please also help your child to tell the time at different points of the day.
Please continue to use Mathletics at home too.
Every morning the children have Read Write Inc where they learn a whole range of sounds. They then use their skills to decode unfamiliar words which help with reading and writing.
ART – Andy Goldsworthy