Year 3/4LB
Welcome to Year3/4 LB!
There are 26 children in the class with Miss Beadle and Miss Jackson. Mrs Burgess also works with the class on a Wednesday afternoon.
Our P.E days are Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. Can you please ensure that children have full P.E kit on these days.
All Children will choose their own reading book once a week. If your child is a confident reader and they enjoy reading more than one book in a week then they are welcome to return their reading book and choose another one. Please sign their reading record so we know your child has read that week. Spellings will be handed out on a Tuesday ready for a test on the Friday.
First week in Year 3/4
During our first week back we enjoyed reading ‘Littlenose the Hero’ by John Grant. We really enjoyed this book and produced many pieces of wonderful writing and art work.
Autumn Term Topics
Click on Curriculum map for an overview of topics
So far this term, we have studied History and Geography. Our History topic has been the ‘Stone Age’ and we have learnt about the different periods during the Stone Age, houses, how they hunted and what the Stone Age people ate. We also learnt about a Stone Age settlement called ‘Skara Brae’. We did some fabulous artwork based on Stonehenge. In Geography we have been learning some basic map skills and looking at the local area. For example: How beaches are formed and what the ‘Blast’ beach was used for.
In Literacy we have read a text called ‘Sand Wizards’ and have written our own beach descriptions. We have also looked at holiday guides and have produced an informative piece of text on Seaham.
In Numeracy we have been focusing on place value and addition and subtraction. We have also been doing lots of problem solving and applying our new knowledge.
This half term in Science, we are going to be learning about Living Things. We will explore and use keys to identify and name a variety of living things. We will also look at how changes to habitats can pose dangers to living things.
Our topics in P.E are Dance, Invasion Games and Gymnastics.