Year 3/4 AD
Key Information
Welcome to our class! There are 25 children in the class with Miss Donnelly and Miss Dinsdale. Mrs Burgess also works with the children on a Tuesday afternoon.
Our P.E days are Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Can you please ensure that children have full P.E kit on these days.
All Children will choose their own reading book once a week. If your child is a confident reader and they enjoy reading more than one book in a week then they are welcome to return their reading book and choose another one. Please sign their reading record so we know your child has read that week.
Spellings are given out on a Tuesday, ready for a test the following Tuesday. Please practise these at home with your child.
Autumn Term
In Literacy this term we have been reading a text called “The Sand Wizard” We used this text to help us create contrasting descriptions of a beach setting. We then explored information texts about holidays, and used this to inform our writing on a holiday guide to Seaham.
In Maths this term we looked at place value, addition and subtraction. Throughout these topics we have been learning how to be supportive partners, challenging each other to explain our learning. We have had opportunities to problem solve when completing Mastery Maths challenges, and through our Daily Math Meeting.
Please take a look at our Curriculum Map to view what we have been learning about across the curriculum this term.
The Stone Age
In history this term we have explored the savage stone age! We learned what chronology means, and where the Stone Age was in time and place. We learned about how cave men survived, and even had a go at making our own Stone Age weapons! We explored a real life bronze age mine, and put ourselves in the shoes of a bronze age miner.
Local Area Study
We are lucky enough to live in a beautiful coastal town, so used this to inform our Literacy focus of writing a holiday guide… to Seaham! To inform our writing we conducted a study of the local area. We walked along the seafront and recorded the different types of shops and places people could visit. As part of our Geography study of the local area, we learned all about our changing coast line, exploring what the Blast Beach used to be like, and how the mining trade influenced the coastal features. Whilst on our walk we noticed how the coastline had changed and why this was. We loved exploring our local area, and were great role models for the school. We used this experience to produce some amazing writing and art work about Seaham.
100% Attendance!
This half term we have worked really hard to make sure we are in school every day. We were so good that we got to have not one, but two attendance parties! We had a pyjama party where we had healthy snacks and snuggled up with our teddies to watch a film (Miss Donnelly even brought her slippers!). We also had a class party, where we showed off our awesome dance moves in musical statues. Keep up the good work Year 3/4 AD.
School Parliament
This half term we have had our very own school election, to decide who our School Prime minister and class constituencies are this year. In our class the children created speeches and presented to the whole class. We then had a class vote to decide who would be our constituency member. After that we listened to the prime ministers speeches, and completed a ballot box vote to decide on our Prime minister. Year 3/4 AD constituency member is Max Goodall, who is confident he can represent us in school parliament.