Archived Mrs Allport

Year 6 2017-2018

Welcome to Year 6! There are 32 children in Year 6 this year – in two classes of 16. Mrs Fletcher works in both classes. Year 6 is an exciting time at the end of your child’s time in primary school. Throughout the year, children will be working hard to ensure that they achieve their full potential in the Key Stage 2 SATs and we will be here to help and support them every step of the way. But, it’s not all about tests in Year 6! We will be having lots of fun exploring topics such as World War 2 and finding out all about Brazil and Italy.
Important things to remember:

  • Children should be reading at home every night for at least 15 minutes (they’ve taken a solemn vow). You don’t need to listen to them read aloud but it would be very helpful if you talk to them about what they are reading. E.g. What is the plot? Who’s their favourite character? Why? What have they learnt that they didn’t know before? They can bring their home reader in any day and change it.
  • PE is every Monday and Thursday and children need a full PE kit.
  • Spelling homework will be given out every Friday for a spelling quiz the following Thursday. Children who get all spellings correct get to pick out of the prize box on a Friday afternoon. The amount of homework that your child receives will increase in Spring term but we would like them to concentrate on reading and spelling this term.
  • We will be having a meeting about the SATs in Spring term where we will give you all the information that you need.
  • Any questions at all, please just ask! Either catch me at the beginning or the end of the day or, if you think you need a bit longer, phone and make an appointment.

Our classroom already looks fabulous thanks to very talented children and a very talented Mrs Fletcher!

Autumn 1

During the first half term in Autumn, we  read ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. We used this fabulous story,  set during World War 2, as a stimulus for a range of reading, writing and topic activities. We created some beautiful works of art and also some very effective writing such as, diary entries and letters.

In maths we are working very hard and revising all areas in preparation for our SATs.

In history we are learning about World War Two and we have already learnt a great deal about evacuation and The Blitz.

In one of our PE lessons the children were asked to sequence a gymnastics routine. The routine needed to include both rolls and balances. There were some great routines produced.

Meet Sheldon and Michelle – our pet snails. They love to race!


Autumn 2

In the second half of Autumn, we are going to read ‘Half a creature from the sea’ by David Almond. We all enjoyed meeting the famous author at The Big Read in Durham and he even signed our books for us!

We will continue with our history topic and find out more about rationing and propaganda as well as the effect of the war on the rest of Europe.

Have a look at some of our fabulous air raid shelters.

Safety Carousel