Year 3/4RW

Welcome to Year3/4 RW

Rebecca 1
My name is Mrs Watson and I am a new teacher this year to Ropery Walk Primary School.

In our class there are 24 children and the teaching staff are Mrs Watson and Miss Huntingdon.

We have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has their school PE kit with them on these days.

Your child will bring a reading book home with them every night. Please try to read with your child every night and then complete the home reading diary with the number of pages read, followed by your signature.

Our Class Book

We have started the year by reading ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl. We have been writing about what our own perfect teacher would be like and we have written diary entries from the view of Matilda. We have also been painting our portraits to use in the classroom display of Matilda.

What we are learning about

Our topic work this term will be based around Geography and the Mediterranean. Our Science topic will be Earth and rocks.

Spring Term

In Literacy we have been writing stories about two robots, Robert and Nita, who go on a day out! By the end of our stories our imaginations had taken the robots to some weird and wonderful places! We also designed covers and wrote blurbs on our IPads to go with our stories.


This term we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We have looked at the importance of the River Nile, food and daily life, hieroglyphs and mummification.  We have written instructions for how to mummify a body and following this we made our very own canopic jars from clay.


We also learnt how to write our own names in hieroglyphs.
