Welcome to Y4/5!
There are 27 children in our class with Miss Luke and Miss Dinsdale. Mrs Storey works with some children too. On a Thursday afternoon, Ms Burgess teaches in our class.
We have PE on a Wednesday and Friday so please ensure that children have their full PE kit on those days. Please also ensure that children have a water bottle in school. If your child is in year 4, they will start swimming this year. However, due to unseen circumstances, we don’t have a start date yet.
Children choose a home reading book once a week and know which day is their day to change it. If your child is a confident reader, you don’t need to listen to them read aloud but it would be beneficial if you could ask them questions about their book. Please sign their reading record so we know your child has read that week.
Every week, your child will be given a list of spellings to learn for a test on Friday. Although we do lots of practising in class, it would be very helpful for the children to spend some time at home writing the spellings out within sentences so they understand the meaning and are able to use them in their writing.
Children should also practise times tables at home. They will be tested on this regularly.
What are we learning about?
The Borrowers
The novel we are reading is ‘The Borrowers.’ We have written diary entries and adventure stories and created our own Borrowers’ homes.
Our topic this term is rivers. We will be learning about the parts of a river, local rivers and famous rivers around the world. We will link this with science by learning about the water cycle and will create some art work using water colours.
Literacy & Language
For Spring Term, we have recited part of ‘The Bogey Men and the Trolls Next Door’ by Kaye Umansky.
We have explored the characters and written a new story using the same characters and some of the techniques the author has used.
Alongside this, for our class novel, we have been reading “Trolls Go Home” by Alan McDonald. We are really enjoying the story and have already written some fabulous descriptions about the Trolls.
In maths, this term, we will be learning the place value of numbers to 10,000, written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using place value counters to help. We will then move on to word problems and problem solving activities.
Why is our Earth so Angry?
For topic this term, we are exploring the weather and our Extreme Earth. So far, we have we have learnt about the different types of volcanoes and how they are formed. We have also looked at recent news events including the earthquakes and avalanche in Italy. We still have so much more to explore in this topic including, making a volcano with clay, exploding a volcano with a chemical reaction, being weather reporters and looking at how tsunamis happen.