Reception – Mrs Thompson 23/24

Welcome to Reception

Our Class

There are 25 bright and lively children in our class. The children settled in well and are enjoying school.  They are enthusiastic and are learning lots of new things. This year we are taking part in the tooth brushing scheme, so we brush our teeth every morning.  We are making links with Seaham Library and will be going there for a visit and a story every half term.  The staff working in Reception this year are Mrs Thompson, Mrs Robinson, Miss Dinsdale and Miss Huntingdon.


Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The children can come to school in their full P.E. kits on those days.

Home Reading

Initially the children bring home wordless books to practise turning pages, looking at the pictures and telling a story. When the children are ready, they will bring home books with words as they begin to blend. Once the children move to Ditties, the children will bring home another book that will match their Read Write Inc level.  In addition to this the children will bring home a library book.  This is a book that the children choose themselves and an adult at home reads to them.  We encourage children to read at least 5 times a week at home and would like parents/carers to sign the children’s yellow reading record.

Our learning

Mornings are very structured in Reception and consist of Read Write Inc, a vocabulary session based on a nursery rhyme or story and then maths including Mastering Maths. We follow the White Rose curriculum. The children follow a circuit of activities which are all very practical and play based.  Afternoons are less structured and this is the time for the children to use the provision, both indoors and out, and take part in small group activities.

Our Curriculum and Long Term Plan can be found on this website.


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