Y5 – Mrs Anderson-Ryan 23/24

Welcome to Year 5

Hello from all of us in Year 5!

This year promises to be full of fun and exciting things to learn, from Vikings to Space, Moving Toys to Video Production – check out our Curriculum Map to see what is in store!

Year 5 – Curriculum Map (2023-2024)


We do lots of different reading activities as it is a fundamental part of your child’s learning and it will support them across all of their subjects in school. Fluent reading is crucial in order to be able to retrieve and infer from the text. Whilst hearing your child read every night, you could ask them questions such as:

  • What do you predict will happen next? Why?
  • How do you think the character is feeling?
  • Why do you think the character did that?
  • Are there any words you are unsure of?
  • Can you summarise what has happened so far?

Children will be encouraged to change their books on a Friday. They should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes every night. Books will be collected on a Friday. Your child will still need to bring their reading book to school every day for group reading. From November, children can also bring home a ‘reading for pleasure’ book from our class library too.

Children can access Reading Plus at home with their Reading Plus logins

Children can also access Fiction Express for additional reading at home.


Spelling homework will be sent home on a Monday. Your child should learn their weekly words every night in preparation for their test on the Friday. We provide a template of ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ as an activity for your child to assess their confidence with the words. It will help them to recognise the spelling patterns that they need to concentrate on during the week. It can be useful to do practice tests at home which again can help your child identify any areas they are struggling in.


Quick times tables recall will support your child across all of our maths topics this year. Short bursts of Times Table Rockstars will help your child to maintain their memory of multiplication facts up to 12×12.

Visit TT Rockstars website.


Our PE days are a Monday and a Wednesday. Your child should come into school wearing their PE kit for the full day.


Your child is taking part in brass lessons every Tuesday in school.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask!   

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