You can view or download our PE Long Term Plan by clicking the link below:
Physical Education at Ropery Walk
At Ropery Walk we work closely with the Easington School Sport Partnership to deliver a varied and inclusive Physical Education programme. Each year group follows an established pattern throughout the year that includes Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, Outdoor Activities and Multi-Skills. We take children swimming each term and also run various clubs and participate in local competitions throughout the year.
Throughout the year, the children participate in a range of competitions organised by Easington School Sport Partnership. The competitions range from Cross Country to Football.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Using Easington School Sport Partnership, we provide a variety of clubs for children across the entire school. So far, children in KS2 have enjoyed Netball and Dance after school this year.
Sports Crew
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 make up our Sports Crew. The children attend meetings to help make decisions about PE and sport in school. They act as the voice of their class to share their views. The Sports Crew also help their teachers with equipment during lessons.
Daily Mile
We are a Daily Mile school. Everyday, the children complete laps of a short track. We aim to promote an active, healthy lifestyle. Each week, the teachers choose a child from their class to be rewarded with a ‘Runner of the Week’ certificate.