How we evaluate the effectiveness of SEN Provision

We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children/young people. We do this in a variety of ways, including:

  • Robust evaluation of policy and practice
  • Book scrutinies
  • SENCO/SLT/Governor monitoring: we evaluate progress made as a result of an intervention – for example as measured by pre- and post- intervention test scores; we reassess pupil progress as part of regular reviews of overall pupil progress to ascertain whether strategies put in place are having the desired effects.
  • Learning walks
  • Performance management has historically always had a target looking at the progress of all pupils: for pupils with SEND this means examining an individual’s progress – for example achievement of, or towards, personalised targets set
  • Undertake scrutiny of Support Plans to quality assure with other schools in our COL